
Building a Sustainable Future

We care about our environment and the communities where we operate. Our long-term sustainability ambition is to be a business that has an overall positive impact on society and the environment by 2050.

We understand that global collaboration is key to addressing the climate crisis, so we have set a series of targets across our businesses.

We have committed to reduce global CO2 intensity by 50% by 2030, in a target approved by the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi). We were one of the first global enterprises to have an approved science based target.

At THG, we have also set our own further commitments. We have created the THG Global Counsel to monitor and adjust our corporate behaviours to ensure that we are continually striving for improvement. We commit to only occupying Net Zero buildings by 2030 and to transition our global fleets from petrol to electric starting in 2020.

For us, investing in sustainability is ultimately good for growth: both our own and that of the economy more widely. 



in corporate wastage



reduction overall



in carbon Footprint



Donated to community projectd

By 2050 we want to have a Net positive impact on the climate. We will work towards this goal by reducing our own carbon emissions and helping others to reduce theirs

We are always looking for ways to reduce waste – eliminating waste over the course of daily business, We will target all of our brands to do the same. Something as simple as paperless emails or Video Conferencing to reduce travel can have a substantial reduction in the overall usage and in turn wastage of resources.

We want to create lasting legacies and demonstrate the positive economic and social impact that’s possible through our projects. This means making a difference to the lives of people we come into contact with above and beyond business as usual. To start, we want to enhance the lives of one million people by 2030, through providing opportunities for education and employment and through engaging with community groups and charities. Longer term, we will focus on generating positive social and economic value.